Monday, January 11, 2016

Crepes with Apricot Compote

Dear Turkey,

This is a perfect
Opportunity to make
Your own ricotta

Crepes with Apricot Compote
(adapted from here)

For the crepes:
- 1 c flour
- 1 1/4 c milk (I used whole)
- 1/2 c heavy cream
- 2 eggs
- 4 t sugar
- 1/2 t salt
For the compote:
- 2 c dried apricots
- 1/3 c honey
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 1 T orange peel (dried is fine)
- 1/2 t ground nutmeg
- 1 T vanilla extract
- 2.5 c water
For the filling:
- 1.5 c ricotta (click on the link in the haiku for my favorite cheesemaking book)
- 1 egg
- 2 T sugar

- For the crepes: combine all ingredients and whisk until most of the lumps are gone. If you have a few minutes, stick the batter in the fridge (for 30 mins) or freezer (for 10). Cook a ladleful at a time in a barely-buttered nonstick pan on medium heat (you'll have to monkey around with the temperature if you've never make crepes before; you need them to cook all the way through in short order, but also not burn), flipping (the second side will take much less time than the first). You'll end up with about 12-16 crepes. Stack them on a plate and try not to eat too many.
- Meanwhile, combine the compote ingredients in a pot and cook, stirring, on low/med heat for about 30 minutes, until the liquid is reduced as much as you'd like (I like mine not-too-watery). 
- Combine the filling ingredients and place a dollop on one quadrant of each crepe, and then fold the crepe into quarters, so the filling is mostly stuck inside (if you roll them up, the filling will just spill out, trust me). 
- Butter a 9x13 inch baking dish and arrange the crepes on it. Bake at 350F for 6-10 minutes, until they puff up a bit.
- Plate and top with compote (or have people do their own, if you think they're picky).


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