Dear Turkey,
Since you live a life of fabulous world travel, I thought I would share with you my East/West Wraps. As you know, I like making up corny names for things that I make; most of them either end with "sensation" or "extravaganza" (but I'm trying to work in "jubilee"). My husband wondered how I invented something so, in his words, creative. I told him that I just opened up the fridge, took out all the things that I needed to use up, and thought about how to combine them into something palatable. They were so palatable that we have actually bought the ingredients for the express purpose of making them since then.
Here's what I did: cut up one red pepper, one sweet potato, and three shallots thin(ly). Toss with olive oil, balsamic, salt and pepper and bake at 450 until JUST done and then broil for three minutes. Meanwhile, cut up some chard, spinach, arugula, cilantro, and green onions small(ly) and marinate them in rice vinegar, sugar, and salt for 30-60 minutes. After you turn off the oven, wrap up the tortilla shells in foil and throw them in there for a few minutes to get warm (it tastes better than the microwave!). Then serve everything with sour cream (I don't usually like sour cream, but it does the trick here). For dessert, we had the chocolate banana ice cream that I blogged about a while ago; we call it "banana yogurt ice-cream."
Feast your eyes:
I moss you,