Friday, November 1, 2013

Purple Cauliflower Tastes Better

Dear Turkey,

This is a story of a present that I got the other day. It weighed 15 pounds and I had to lower the shelves in my fridge in order to squeeze it in there.

It was a purple cauliflower. Let's just call it purple because some of my constituents aren't that crazy about pink. 
Here is my hand so that you can see how beautiful -- ahem, how big the cauliflower is. 
Dustbusting required. 
Guess which of these I used all of?
Obligatory taste test (1 of 10). Even after about 30 minutes at 425 degrees it's starting to caramelize.
I finished it under the broiler.
I moss you,

1 comment:

  1. I didn't even know there was such a thing as purple broccoli!
