Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I Hate Halloween

Dear Lt. Veggie Nugget,

Thank you for getting me this awesome mug (and its identical twin) two years ago when I was pregnant and in a bad mood one day (read -- every day): 

Although I hate Halloween, I love this mug. It brightens up a dark morning (see window). Even when it's that dark at 7:20 AM. And it keeps my chai hot for hours (for real). Why do I hate Halloween? I don't know, I love fall. I love fall skies:

Actual backyard
 I think that I hate Halloween because our mom hates it, too.

Actual conversation:

Me: Mom, why do you hate Halloween?
Mom: Because my mom hated it.

It's genetic.

I also hate it because of hippie moms who try to mess with my perfect M and Ms. Oh, what was that? Am I a hippie mom? Well, yes, but I would never go so far as to ruin nature's perfect food.

All I want is my fair share,


  1. Not like Halloween?! NOT LIKE HALLOWEEN!?

    Where do I even begin....

    1) There's candy.
    2) You can pretend to be whatever you like.
    3) Everyone can have fun on this holiday regardless of your religion.
    4) The cute kiddie costumes
    5) The scary movies
    6) Chocolate
    7) You get to be silly with coworkers
    8) Pumpkin .... well.... everything (as evidenced by your very blog)
    9) Jack-o-lantern creativity
    10) Tricks (which you must survive to obtain the treats)

    *sigh* I can only hope you'll raise your baby with a new outlook on such a marvelous holiday. :-)

  2. Well, it's hard to top your blog Tofu and Angel's response (looking forward to MY favorite holiday-- Thanksgiving and spending time with friends and family around our table, incuding John and you Angel! and of course Tofu and all our family (Lt. Veggie Nugget, is that you KKW?)
    You are a riot Tofu and the picture of the pond is breath taking.

    Love to all,
