Tuesday, April 22, 2014

This Bread Will Cure What Ails You

Dear Turkey,

I am really excited about this bread because I only made it yesterday, and someone has already said, "this is my favorite bread ever," about it (and that someone wasn't me). I also love it because it uses molasses instead of regular sugar, and molasses is delicious. This bread is also really easy to make.

I found the recipe on one of those blogs that I was telling you about, where the blogger looks like a model who never eats. I like this blog, though, and she attributes the recipe to our old friend Mark Bittman. The only change I made is that she suggests plain fat free yogurt, and I suggest vanilla full fat yogurt. If I don't have yogurt next time (unlikely), I may use soy milk and cider vinegar, which she also suggests.

1 2/3 c yogurt (or 1.5 c milk and 2 T cider vinegar to curdle it, or 1 2/3 c buttermilk)
2.5 c whole wheat flour
1/2 c cornmeal
1 t salt
1 t baking soda
1/2 c molasses

Grease a loaf pan with canola oil. Mix everything together until just combined. Bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes. Like most non-butter quick breads, this will be better the next day.

Consider Yourself Cured,

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