Saturday, June 29, 2013

Strawberry Jam

Dear Turkey,

Yesterday my mom and I made strawberry jam. She told me that she remembers helping her mom make it when she was little. Her mom used to turn the pectin packet upside down in order to get every last bit of pectin out. The packet looked the same then as the one that I used yesterday (in fact, it was invented in 1912). So, my mom used to help her mom make jam, and now she helps me. She has not been promoted.

But she did pick the berries:

And chop them:

And put them in the pot. We followed the recipe on the pectin package (but we added lemon because local strawberries tend to have a high water content, causing runny jam without additional acid):

And processed the jars:

We made four batches, for 34 jars (mostly half-pints). So what did I do? I was the Consulting and Advising wing of the outfit. Okay, Mom, I guess you can be promoted.

Does anybody want one? Okay, send me a guest post. 

I moss you,

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