Sunday, December 15, 2013

Look, I Made Something with Seafood

Dear Turkey,

So we've had this bag of frozen shrimp for about three months. We were doing a good job of grilling it until winter happened. It's not that I mind eating shrimp, but after thawing it, peeling it (meaning, asking someone else to peel it, and then having that person ask me to bleach the sink afterwards), and making sure it's done (but not overdone!), I always conclude that tofu would have been just as tasty (but maybe that's why I'm called Tofu and you're not [or maybe I'm just that good at cooking tofu]). Last night I made a stir-fry with leftover veggies (some of them we'd had since Thanksgiving!), the shrimp, and bottled sweet and sour sauce (topped with Siracha). I made the rice really salty and lemony, and everyone liked that.

See how not overcooked my veggies are?

This is what my mom made for dessert. I asked her if this was the kind of thing people ate in the seventies, and she said, "yes, but we didn't know to call it Panna Cotta then. Did you know that Panna Cotta is Italian?" Yes, Mom, that's why you spent all that money for me to study abroad in Italy.
This is the recipe page from Family Circle magazine. You can kind of see that my mom added orange marmalade and amaretto (of course she did) to the sauce, and she doubled the sauce (of course she did). Yesterday she made raspberry, but she said that this version was better. 
I moss you,

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