Monday, January 21, 2013

Mexican Pizza

Dear Turkey,

Mexican and pizza -- a match made in heaven. Just like new books and the bathtub, or mint chip ice cream and peanut butter sauce, or -- oh, that's just me? Mexican pizza was something that we ordered at our favorite Mexican place, but, for some reason, we never made it at home. Until the other day, when I wanted to use up the following items: cilantro, onions, tortillas, and feta.

so we pickled the onions in some rice vinegar and lime juice, and made a pesto with cilantro, olive oil, salt, sugar, lime juice, and sunflowers (you might have to skip those)

we spread bean dip, the pesto, feta, and some minced serranos on the tortillas

baked them at 425 degrees for about ten minutes, topped with the onions, and enjoyed! 

 Other topping ideas: butternut squash, roasted red pepper puree, chevre, pine nuts.

then we went on a hike

and had oatmeal for dinner to compensate for our big, bold, full-of-attitude lunch
Now I would like to share the following conversation (dramatization):
Honey: you know, Honey, your blog isn't really sticking to your gimmick.
Me: what are you talking about? Go fold the clothes.
Honey: all you do is post, post, post, but we never hear from Turkey.
Me: But I LOVE posting! Doesn't the world want to hear how funny I am, and see all the pictures of snow, snow, and more snow?
Honey: yeah, but that's not the point of the blog.
Me: how else am I going to get famous and get a lucrative cookbook deal?
Honey: that should not be your goal.
Me: I thought you were folding the clothes. So, can I bake something?

In conclusion, Turkey, how can I entice you to post on this blog? Giveaways? Challenges? Bribery? Blackmail?
I know, let's have a competition for who can make the best recipe. The prize: your Vitamix. If you win, you keep the Vitamix. If I win, you will ship it to me. Game?

I moss you,


  1. Honey: "I don't think that's a really good idea."

  2. To Tofurkey:

    Mint chip ice cream and peanut butter sauce = Ew. Just ew. I won't further juvenilize my "ew" by adding "times infinity".

    To Honey:

    I feel your pain of being given orders to execute some menial task of manual labor as a baking diversion.
