Friday, September 14, 2012

Another Batch of Tomato Jam...With Bonuses!

Dear Turkey,
So I just had to make more tomato jam, because 30 jars was not enough! But I won't bore you with how I made it (NB: only boring people are bored). Instead, I will tell you what I did while it was cooking down (not including laundry or nursing my baby).
Bread. This isn't a very good picture because my bread was SO BIG it didn't even fit in the frame of my (crappy) phone. (NB: Dear Cell Phone Companies: this little blog would love to do a giveaway of free phones with really good cameras [as long as it was rigged].) Here's how I made it: I took 2c of warm (my mom says "wrist temp") water and mixed it with about half a capful of dry yeast and 1T sugar. Then I kneaded in flour (any kind will do, I used white) and 2T salt with my hand until a ball formed. I kneaded it for about two minutes right in the bowl, adding a little flour if it got sticky. Then I let it sit in the bowl uncovered, just like it was, until it rose visibly, about 1-2 hrs. I baked it on an un-pre-heated baking stone with parchment on it at 475 for 5 mins and then 450 for 30 mins, until it got all golden brown on top. I usually make smaller loaves, but sometimes the nice crack crust and drama (or melodrama) of a big loaf is just satisfying.
Then I switched my laundry and stirred my tomatoes...oh I wasn't going to talk about that...
Oh Yeah

Delcious Pickles

That My Mom Grew

From Cucumbers
There are lots of ways that I make pickles. Yesterday I sterilized the jars (always do that or my husband will be mad...I guess he doesn't think botulism is a good way to lose that nagging baby weight). Then I cut up the cukes and STUFFED them as tightly as I could into the jars, because they will shrink. However, there needs to be 1/8-inch of headspace in order for the lids to seal. Then I put about 1T of minced onion on top of the cukes in each jar. Then I heated up 32oz of distilled vinegar (only use Heinz -- shameless product endorsement -- giveaway opportunity -- I hope you are reading this, Heinz People -- I voted for John Kerry!), 32oz of water, a scant 1/2c pickling salt, about 3c of sugar, and a few tablespoons of: celery seed, mustard seed, corriander, and tumeric (if you don't have whole spices, ground will still taste good -- your water will just be a little cloudy). I brought it to a boil and tasted it to make sure that was how I wanted my pickles to taste. Then I used a ladle and a funnel to fill my jars (leaving the ubiquitious headspace), making sure the spices were evenly distributed..I counted them...just kidding, put on the tops, and processed them for 10 mins (the next day, make sure all jars are sealed, crank the lids down, and write the date on them with a sharpie).
Thank you for listening. This post was brought to you by the people who held my baby while I was being so productive.
I moss you,

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