Monday, June 16, 2014

Father's Day Challah

Dear Fathers,

Thank you for having a holiday so that I could make you a challah. I know that Father's Day isn't usually associated with challah, but I'm not usually associated with doing what the cool kids do. I adapted this recipe from Smitten Kitchen. By "adapted" I mean, "shamelessly made even easier than it already was."


1/3 c sourdough starter (optional)
5 eggs (plus one for later)
1 capful yeast (about 2 T)
1/2 c sugar
1/2 c oil
1 3/4 c warm water
1 T salt (make sure this doesn't come into direct contact with the yeast)
8 c flour


Knead all of this together for five or ten minutes until a ball forms. Let it rise, covered, for a couple of hours, until doubled. Then divide into two balls, and form a braided loaf out of each ball (see the link above if you need instructions, or you can just skip this part). (It's easy if you put them on a floured parchment paper on a cookie sheet now, instead of transferring them right before baking.) Let those rise, covered, for another hour or two. Beat that other egg with 1 T salt and 1 T sugar and paint to recklessly all over the loaves (well, not the bottoms). Then bake at 375 degrees for 30-45 mins. I bet you anything it will take 45.

If you are lightweight fathers, you can freeze some.


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