Dear Adoring Blog Public,
In case you don't know, today is a special day. It's the anniversary of Turkey and Tofurkey's friendship (or should I say Tofurkey and Turkey). No, December 13th isn't necessarily the day that we actually MET (much like December 25th isn't necessarily the actual day Jesus was born -- no offense, people), but that doesn't mean we can't celebrate 2012 years of friendship (at least sometimes it feels like it's been that long).
To celebrate, I am enjoying the traditional Turkey and Tofurkey Friendship Anniversary candy extravaganza (served on a seasonal New Yorker magazine platter):
that's right |
Like many aspects of my life, this post might be about love and friendship on the surface, but, deep down, it's about candy (deep down, I am probably MADE of candy, if you go by how much of it I eat at work). So, yes, I am ashamed. Not of our long-enduring friendship, but of the fact that it took me about two minutes to eat all this candy. And you can tell that I am ashamed, because as soon as I unwrap a piece, I immediately throw away the wrapper. Because a mountain of uneaten candy is beautiful. But a mountain of candy wrappers cascading off of my desk just makes me feel like a pig.
I raise my Twizzler to you, Turkey (after I took a bite out of it). Here's to 2012 more years!
by the way, did you know that all Twizzlers taste different? like, the individually wrapped single ones, the two little short ones wrapped together, the ones that come all stuck together in a package...? |
I moss you,
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