Monday, April 13, 2015

Beans and Bulgur

Dear Turkey,

Due to my ongoing interest in different beans and rices, I was inspired to make beans and bulgur. I knew that bulgur is awesome, cheap, healthy, and good for tabbouleh. So I figured that it would be good for beans, too. The best part is, you don't even have to cook it! I know!

I soaked my bulgur until it was just past al dente. It provides a great contrast to the soft/sweet/salty/saucy beans. Or, if you're bored, you can add some salt/lemon/bbq sauce/whatever to the bulgur, too.

Beans and Bulgur
(for 3 delicious lunches)

- 1 regular size can black beans, undrained (I use Goya)
- 1 shallot, diced
- 1 clove garlic, diced or pressed
- 1 serrano pepper, diced (optional for wusses)
- 2 T olive oil
- 2 T honey
- 1-2 T lemon juice
- 1 T ground cumin
- 1.5 c bulgur (I bought mine in the bulk section)

- Pour the bulgur into a strainer with small holes, cheesecloth, or whatever you've got (a bandana would probably work, just don't go running with it first unless you like your bulgur really salty). Cover the bulgur with warm water (I balanced my strainer on the top of a large bowl) and soak for 20-30 minutes, until tender (it will also tenderize a bit when stored with the beans in the fridge). Drain (I just poured the water out of my bowl and let it drip in there).
- Meanwhile, heat all remaining ingredients except for the beans and cook until the shallot starts to brown.
- Add the beans and cook on medium/low heat for about 10 minutes. I like to not stir too much so that I get a caramelized layer on the bottom (this works better in a nonstick pan unless you love washing dishes).
- Divide into containers for later if you want. You can see that I like my beans and carb side by side. They sometimes get grumpy about that at Chipotle.


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