Monday, March 24, 2014

Thanks, Mom

Dear Mom,

I know that you and I really agree about seasonal eating. For example, I would never eat $8 of fresh raspberries in the middle of a snowstorm...unless you paid for them:

I am ashamed. 
After my half-marathon, I really enjoyed this lentil salad that you made. Unlike the raspberries, this is about as seasonal as you can get in the winter in Upstate New York. Oh, it's spring? That's when it's zero degrees after March 20.

Here is how you made this delicious salad, in a text-message:

Lentil Salad: open box of Melissa's already cooked lentils (in produce dept. near guac, back left.) gently break them up a bit(when you add olive oil and good quality vinegar, go gently on both, not saturating lentils, they will fall apart.) cut up orange cherry tomatoes in half or quarter (maybe 10 to 15 tomatoes, you judge), some fresh dill cut very fine, enough to taste but again don't overdo, a bit of garlic powder to taste, you guessed it, subtle taste is the goal here. Mix well. You could stir in feta or what I did is cube some around salad and I also opened a jar of pickled beets and put around salad. It was pretty to look at. Served it on a bed of spinach leaves.


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