Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Easy Lunch Curry

Dear Turkey,

It's lunchtime. You just went running. Your mom wants you to make something with the random stuff in her fridge, like leftover couscous and expired kale that your sister-rabbit bought on Thanksgiving. You have 20 minutes before nap time.

I saw this curry in one of my favorite blogs and I was saving it for such an occasion. It turned out so healthy and tasty. But not tasty in a healthy way. Tasty in an I'm-hungry-and-this-is-full-of-flavor way. Excuse the cliche, but this is way more than the sum of its parts.

Easy Savory Vegan Chickpea Curry With Kale
(Serves 2)

- 2 shallots, sliced
- 1 clove garlic, pressed, or 1 T minced garlic
- 3 T olive oil
- 1 big handful kale, not too stemmy
- 1 8oz can of tomato sauce
- 1 15oz can of chickpeas, rinsed and drained
- 1-2 T curry powder, to taste
- 1-2 t dried ginger, to taste
- 1 handful raisins (optional)
- 2 c prepared cousous (I used whole wheat)
- Plain yogurt, for topping (optional)

- Heat oil, garlic, shallots, and spices, and cook until everything starts to get nice and brown and spatters all over the place. 
- Add the kale and cook until it starts to wilt (just a minute or so, probably).
- Add the tomato sauce, raisins, and chickpeas and cook on low until chick peas start to get a little soft.
- Serve over couscous with yogurt.


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