Monday, January 5, 2015

Ridiculously Good 5-Minute Lunch Pasta

Dear Turkey,

It's lunch time and you just made pasta and broccoli for your toddler. He likes the broccoli PLAIN and the pasta with LOTS of sauce. Like, if you can see the actual pasta, you are in trouble.

Now you have a delicious strainer-full of leftover pasta and broccoli. And five minutes before nap time. My secret pasta-master ingredients of onion powder and garlic powder make this pasta so rich and good, it tastes like you baked it or something. Maybe you think I am overhyping this; try it and get back to me.

Ridiculously Easy, Fast, Savory Pasta and Broccoli

- A bowlful of pasta and broccoli, cooked al dente
- 1 t onion powder
- 1 t garlic powder
- 1 T butter (why do you think it's so good?)
- 1 t lemon juice (plastic lemon okay)
- 1 big handful cheese of your choice (parm is pictured, but shredded Mexican cheese is really down-homey-delicious too)

- Combine everything.
- Microwave until cheese is melted and stir.
- Get ready for nap.


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