Monday, December 3, 2012

Soup's On! (And More Confessions)

Dear Tofurkey,

Please do not skip to the end of this post for my confessions because if you do they will self-destruct. No seriously. I don't want you to get hurt, but I rigged this post to blow if you don't read it from top to bottom.

I know you and your husband keep a serious recipe book, but I've been thinking that my favorite thing to do when cooking is just wing it. My mom is always asking me for recipes, and I have a hard time writing them for her. Oh sure I start with recipes as ideas, but then I always shift to my cooking mantra: until it tastes good. Sure there are other rules (which I know you love) like trying to use fresh and minimally processed ingredients, or keeping things nutritious. But when it comes to combining ingredients and the amounts to add, I don't know what to say but, "to taste."

I think that's why I love making soup (see exception below: butternut squash soup). Soup is basically just a bunch of stuff thrown in a pot and simmered with a liquid and seasonings. So whatever flavors and foods you like, you can just toss them in and *poof* instant meal. It's also a great way to clean out the fridge. Since I've had a cough for over a week I can't get rid of, I thought I should make some chicken soup. All you really need is some stock (or even water), chicken, and some vegetables, all of which I had on hand.

I started with cubed chicken and chicken stock...
Added the loose veggies I needed to get rid of (parseley,
sage, a tomato, cut bell peppers, a few potatoes, two onions,
some carrots, some roasted garlic, and a whole leek)

And I got this! Canned soup can suck it!
Now hopefully this delicious looking soup softens the blow of my confession. See I knew that you probably skimmed my posts or read them in pieces. I mean, I know it's not like you read a lot or study English, so keeping on one train of written thought for so long must be exhausting. I have a tendency to write for the Victorian Age (read: at length) and not for the Ineterwebs (read: in 160 characters). But maybe you can practice making it through longer and longer ones. I just love writing about food with you!

But you see, my real confession dear Tofurkey is that I also read your posts in spurts and sometimes skim! Oh sure, they're shorter, but not when you check the blog every few days and they stack up. And all the switching subjects is hard on my old brain. But I always go back and read carefully later too. Hopefully our blog public will too (or at least be entertained by our weird stories and good food).


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